
On the Island of Hawaiʻi, Kaluapele (the pit of pele or Pele) crowns the summit region of the volcano Kīlauea.

15 May 2018

Kilauea Update, May 15, 2018, 825a

Itʻs morning!!!  Apapane sing and their wings thrum as they fly from ohia to ohia seeking lehua nectar.

Itʻs all a blur sometimes (actually, much of the time these days).  This Update will be brief I think.  Iʻm on the verge of getting a Blog online.  Goal is tomorrow, so stay tuned.  Our little list is up to 400+, and email is on the verge of being untenable.  Lots of verges.  

But maybe weʻre backing off the verge of a big explosion at Halemaʻumaʻu.  Try look at the tilt curve attached.  NOTE that there are factors affecting the nature of the curve, including adjustments because of EQs (ʻōlaʻi or earthquakes), electronic issues, etc.  But it looks hopeful to me, untrained in seismology, deformation studies, geophysics, etc. as I am.  But Iʻm hoping nevertheless.

Try look at the daily HVO (Hawaiian Volcano Observatory) updates:  
We understand that water (+) magma interaction = steam = MAYBE big boom.  The MAYBE is critical here, notwithstanding the prognostications of varied sundry media types, mainly on the continent, who proclaim the possibility that Kilauea Might Blow Itʻs Top!!!! And that Flying Rocks the size of Trucks!!!, Iceboxes!!!!, and yea, verily, even COWS!!!!!, would plummet to earth many miles from said Top of Kilauea!!!! Wreaking Havoc and Destruction on the Populace. Aueaueaueaue!!!!

I know.  Thereʻs always the possibility, and I shouldnʻt be so flippant, but...Really???  And this is from National Network Media.  NBC, CBS, CNN.  At least theyʻre not FOX who said that Oahu was being evacuated.  No wonder cruise ships, visitors, etc are cancelling vacations, stops, etc.  JEEZ!!!

OK, Bob...Calm down...  Back on Topic.  "Steam" was first mentioned in the HVO Report on May 11 at 649a.  Then the Report alternated (maybe different writers?) between "white condensed water vapor" and "steady vigorous steam", then robust steam and volcanic gas, and vigorous steam.  It seems to me (again, untrained in these things) that weʻll continue to see steam and/or ash continue to be emitted from HMM, till Pelehonuamea decides sheʻll do something else.  But I think (again...no training...) that MAYBE the prospect of KaBOOM is diminishing.  I hope and pray fervently that this is so.

[[Vigorous ash right now at HMM at 810a or so.  The plume is blown by trades, carrying the ash to Pahala and other SE parts of the Island of Hawaii.]]

Next Topic:  More steam.  This time at the flows on the LERZ (lower east rift zone) just ma uka of Kapoho Cone.  Check out the various videos, photos at: 

and Iʻm sure FB postings.  This aerial pic is spectacular:  May 14, 7am, Fissure 17:

Gorgeous.  The glassy surface of the sea, the dark ʻaʻā, the green fields, the blue fume (pretty but HIGH in deadly sulphur dioxide), and white puffy steam clouds.  Kapoho Cone is just to the left of the view.  At Kapoho in 1960, a village, a warm spring, etc was buried, and pele extended Kumukahi further toward the rising sun.  The area is flattish (poho = a hollow), and the watertable is close to the surface.  During 1960, VIGOROUS loud steaming happening when Pele and Namaka met.  Google youtube to see.  Just ma uka, where pele is active today, there have been booming sounds and explosions, as magma makes it way to the surface, rising through pockets of water and the watertable.  Water (+) magma interaction = steam = big boomings heard all through lower Puna.  And choochoo train white puffs of steam.  Cool.

I think Iʻm pau for now.  I trust that youʻll ask if something doesnʻt make sense.  And if all goes well, Iʻll send a link to The Blog tomorrow.  Your comments are appreciated, and I apologize for not replying to all of them, but be assured that they are all read with gratitude.

As always, with aloha,

BobbyC  [[[this seems to often happen:  an EQ just as Iʻm signing off]]] Just a little wobble of the house...but still...  It was a 3.0 or so here near the summit.  And it was a reminder to mention:  look at the EQ graphics:  Hardly any red, though of course that changes throughout the day.


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